Although it’s unfortunate, many home and business owners wait until after the weather turns inclement to start thinking about purchasing rock salt and ice melt. As a result, these individuals are forced to make a last-minute dash to a big box landscaping and home improvement store like Lowes or Home Depot in order to pick up some rock salt before the weather turns extremely bad.
What these individuals fail to realize is that this is not at all in their best interest. By limiting your options to the small inventory of rock salt from Lowes, for example, you could end up with an inferior product, an ice melt that doesn’t meet your specific needs, or overspending.
The smartest property owners plan ahead and purchase from a business like Braen Supply that can offer a wide range of ice melting products for low, wholesale prices.
We’ve decided to dive into some of the problems associated with buying rock salt from Lowes and Home Depot, and how to make a better decision as you purchase your ice melt this winter.
The Problems With Buying Rock Salt from Lowes & Home Depot
Because chain retailers like Lowes and Home Depot have become household names throughout the nation, many people have come to believe that they are the best sources for their landscaping and home improvement needs.
Upon further inspection, though, it’s obvious that there are some flaws associated with these stores. Some of the larger problems you might experience when buying rock salt from Lowes or Home Depot include:
- Minimal Options – In many cases, you’ll find that the larger retail stores may have a large quantity of rock salt to sell, but that the various types of available products are actually quite limited. These stores focus on a few of the leading brands instead of offering customers the option of different brands and product functions.
- Lack of Knowledge – Because nationwide chain stores are so large, they often require a large staff. In order to keep labor costs down, you’ll notice that many of these retailers employ people who aren’t very familiar with the products that they’re selling. This means that, should you have a question about the ice melting product that you’re planning to purchase, you may receive incorrect information about the material, or you may not be able to get any information or answers at all.
- Higher Prices – Because so many people count on chain stores for rock salt, these stores generally have higher prices than other places.
- Increased Likelihood of Shortages – Due to the fact that a number of home and business owners depend on major retailers like Lowes and Home Depot, these stores often see a spike in business whenever the temperatures start to drop. Because so many people are rushing out to purchase rock salt at the same time, these big box retailers are more likely to sell out of ice melting products before smaller, local suppliers. As a result, you may not be able to purchase rock salt in your moment of need.
- No Delivery Services – For the most part, you’ll find that when you buy rock salt from Lowes or Home Depot, you won’t be able to request a delivery service to your location. The majority of big box stores don’t offer this type of service. This means that if your property requires a bulk order of ice melting materials, you’ll either need to hire a third party service to transport it from the store to you, or hire a truck to do so on your own. Either way is expensive and inconvenient.
Finding a Better Place to Buy Rock Salt
Fortunately, home and business owners have a better option than giving their business to big box retailers when purchasing rock salt and ice melt. Local suppliers like Braen Supply are focused on and passionate about the industry, and are therefore the most qualified to help customers make a decision about which type of rock salt or ice melt will best suit their needs.
Braen Supply allows consumers to pick up their own rock salt at two NJ locations, or can bulk deliver products throughout NJ, NY, PA and CT. Best of all, when you decide to buy locally, you’re supporting your own regional economy.
Next time you think about picking up rock salt from Lowes or Home Depot, reconsider. Buying from a local store like Braen Supply will offer you a host of benefits that will pay you back tenfold.
Photo courtesy of BU Interactive News.