How to Level a Gravel Driveway: Everything You Need to Know

Gravel is the perfect solution for any homeowner that is looking for a beautiful, unique and affordable means of constructing a driveway. Many homeowners miss out on the opportunity to work with this versatile material, though, because they mistakenly believe that gravel driveways require too much maintenance.

In reality, taking the proper steps necessary to level a gravel driveway – both at the time of construction and throughout the driveway’s lifetime – will make caring for a gravel driveway very easy and will give you the highest return on your initial investment. To help you out, our experts have offered up some gravel driveway suggestions on how to level driveway.

Leveling a Gravel Driveway During Construction

When building a new gravel driveway, it’s imperative that you take the time to ensure that your driveway is leveled properly. Leveling a driveway during this phase of development involves several steps and processes:

Excavation – Before you can begin introducing crushed stone and gravel to your driveway, you need to properly excavate the area. In order to be successful, you need to dig to the depths recommended by experts and completely clear the space of any obstructions or debris that could create problems for you in the future.

This means that you will need to dig out and physically remove any large boulders or stones, root systems, sticks or other fragments that may present themselves. Leaving items like these at the base of your gravel driveway will prevent the drive from being leveled properly and can create further issues with shifting and settling in the years ahead.

Landscaping Fabric – No matter how well you clear away debris from the base of your new gravel driveway, you will still encounter problems if you don’t take measures to prevent weeds and other vegetation from growing underneath the stone and gravel.

The simplest and most effective solution to this potential dilemma is to lay down a layer of landscaping fabric between the earth and the crushed stone base layer.

Grading – You don’t want your gravel driveway’s base to be completely flat, as this can eventually lead to problems with pooling water and flooding. When constructing your gravel driveway, you need to grade it so that the driveway slopes slightly away from your home and/or garage. This will prevent water from accumulating near your home and causing damages.

Compaction – After each layer of gravel has been poured into the driveway, you’ll need to use a tamping tool, a roller or some other type of tool to compact the stone thoroughly. This step is essential because it ensures that the layers will remain in place as you intended and will minimize the effect of settling and shifting over time, meaning less driveway maintenance work for you over time.

Raking – After everything else has been completed, you should go over the surface of your driveway and rake the gravel to a slight peak down the center line. This final phase of leveling will help to ensure that the surface has equal gravel coverage while also creating a path for water to follow in the event of rain.

In this way, water will flow away from your driveway instead of accumulating there, thus reducing the chance of stone displacement and leveling issues.

Leveling a Gravel Driveway Throughout the Years

As the owner of a gravel driveway, you’ll likely notice that, throughout years of regular usage, your gravel surface may become somewhat bumpy or uneven. This can happen for a number of reasons.

First, small bits of gravel can be scattered and displaced when vehicles drive across the surface. Secondly, the weight of vehicles and the force of gravity may cause some gravel to sink or settle, resulting in recessed areas of the driveway.

Crushed stone may also be displaced due to equipment used for wintertime maintenance. Finally, some gravel can be washed away and moved after periods of heavy rain or exposure to large volumes of water.

Although all of these causes are relatively unavoidable, they don’t have to create major headaches in your life. The process of leveling an uneven gravel driveway is simpler than you might imagine and can quickly restore your driveway to its former glory, both in terms of appearance and functionality.

The end result is a significant extension to your driveway’s lifespan without breaking the bank.

Initially, you may be tempted to simply rake gravel from one area of your driveway into another in order to fill in low spots. This will only create bigger troubles for you in the end, though, as it will simply create more weak spots throughout the driveway as a whole.

A better course of action is to “chop up” and intermix all of the driveway’s existing stones by making use of a box blade and tractor or a 3-point angle blade, re-compact or tamp it down and then apply a fresh 3” layer of gravel to the top of the driveway.

This process helps to bring all of the driveway’s gravel down to the level of the lowest recessions, ensuring that all low spots and voids are properly filled in. The fresh layer of gravel adds structural integrity to the surface of the drive.

If you’re not someone who likes to wait until the first signs of a problem to take action, you don’t necessarily have to bide your time until settling and shifting occurs. The process of leveling your gravel driveway with a box blade or other tool can be completed on an annual or bi-annual basis as a means of preventing issues from arising before they have the opportunity to do so.

Regardless of how frequently you choose to re-level and compact your gravel drive, it’s important to regularly rake over the surface of the gravel in order to remove debris and obstructions and to maintain a slight peak that runs down the center of the drive.

Constructing and Leveling a Gravel Driveway in NJ

When you’re ready to start constructing and/or leveling your gravel driveway, Braen Supply is here to help you through the process. As the leading landscaping supplier in NJ, we’re proud to offer a wide range of stone, masonry and landscaping supplies that will transform the look and vibe of your outdoor living space.

We are knowledgeable about the gravel we sell and can provide you with insider tips on how best to level out and compact your driveway with ease. We’re happy to answer any gravel driveway questions you may have about the process and can even point you in the right direction of a professional contractor who can handle the work on your behalf.

Feel free to visit us at one of our convenient NJ locations to talk about your upcoming project or give us a call to learn more about having gravel bulk delivered to your location today. Our crushed stone can be picked up at our location or bulk delivered throughout parts of NJ & NY and limited parts of PA & CT.

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4 Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Rock Salt

Every year it seems that autumn flies by and now, Old Man Winter is lurking just around the corner, which means that NJ residents can expect freezing temperatures and icy conditions.

The combination of colder temperatures and high volumes of precipitation makes NJ and neighboring states the perfect place for ice to form on sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, roads and other surfaces.

While rock salt has traditionally been used to lower the freezing temperature of water and prevent ice from forming, there are many people who don’t like the idea of working with this particular compound. This is because, although safe for many surfaces, rock salt can cause certain types of pavement to become discolored and can cause damage to plants.

Fortunately, there are many alternatives that can be used in lieu of rock salt. Today’s post will highlight four excellent alternatives to rock salt that are extremely effective and affordable.

Why Choose Alternatives to Rock Salt?

There are some homeowners who tend to shy away from using sodium chloride (traditional rock salt). This is primarily due to the fact that sodium chloride is mildly corrosive.

When used in excessive quantities, this type of rock salt may cause damage to certain surfaces and vegetation. Because NJ gets so cold and experiences so much rain and snow, high volumes of rock salt are generally required for safety purposes.

Consequently, it may be in your best interest to consider working with environmentally friendly alternatives to rock salt.

Top Alternatives to Rock Salt

While there are many different chemical compounds and materials available on the market as an alternative to traditional rock salt, the experts at Braen Supply tend to prefer some more than others.

After years in the industry, we have developed a keen sense for determining which materials are the most effective for offering traction and melting snow and ice. Our favorite rock salt alternatives include:


Of the different alternatives to rock salt available on the market, Environmelt is the among the most popular. This is because the material has been specifically formulated to be tough on snow and ice while protecting the environment and surrounding vegetation.

The product is made from Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) which is very powerful and is capable of working effectively in temperatures down to -25 degree Fahrenheit. Because it works two times faster than other ice melting materials and is so efficient in freezing conditions, less of the material is needed than traditional rock salt.

In addition to this, CMA is safer for plant life, animals and even, use around children. Finally, the material is significantly less corrosive than other materials and is safer to use around concrete and wood.


Although sand is not capable of actually reducing the freezing temperature of water and cannot melt snow and ice, it is still a great alternative to traditional rock salt. The grainy nature of sand allows for excellent traction.

When sprinkled on top of icy patches of your front walkway, driveway, or even on large parking lots and roads, sand is able to improve the grip of pedestrian shoes and the tires of automobiles. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of car accidents or slip and fall injuries.

Sand is completely natural and will not cause any damage to your property. In addition to this, sand does not form a brine with frozen snow and ice, so less material is needed over time. This can allow for significant savings.

Stone Grits

Like sand, stone grits are unable to melt snow and ice, but can do wonders for improving overall traction and safety. Although many stores tend to sell out of sand when the winter season picks up, you’ll find that it’s usually quite easy to find stone grits in supply.

If you choose, you may mix stone grits with an environmentally friendly ice melting compound. You’ll find that the combination of the two materials means that less ice melt needs to be used while producing a very safe environment for you, your loved ones and passersby.


The Safer-Than-Salt brand has earned its reputation for offering one of the most powerful alternatives to rock salt while still being safe for use around plants and animals.

We especially love the Breeder’s Preferred blend, which makes use of a CMA formula that rapidly melts existing snow and ice and prevents future formations – all without creating harmful conditions for your property, vegetation or pets.

The material is also tinted green so that you know exactly how much ice melt you’ve used and don’t accidentally over apply. Ultimately, this means less waste, less impact on the environment and a little extra cash in your pocket.

Choosing Alternatives to Rock Salt

It’s important that you make the right decision when choosing the right alternative to traditional rock salt for your property. Each of the above-listed rock salt alternatives has their own unique sets of advantages, but some might be better for your lifestyle than others.

If you have pets that you love dearly, we strongly recommend going with a product like Safer Than Salt Breeder’s Preferred, as it’s specifically designed for use around your four-legged friends. Those with a green thumb and who take pride in their landscape might be better served by a product like Environmelt.

If you need to add some traction to areas that tend to get a little bit slushy and slick but aren’t heavily trafficked, the use of sand or stone grits could be beneficial. In cases where a surface is extremely icy and is used frequently for foot or vehicular traffic, we recommend a mixture of an environmentally friendly ice melting compound and the salt or grits for added protection.

If you have any questions or concerns about choosing the right rock salt alternatives, visit our locally owned and operated store to speak to one of our experts. We’re more than happy to help you pick the right product for your property and to calculate your ice melting needs.

Buying Alternatives to Rock Salt in NJ

Braen Supply is the leading supplier of rock salt alternatives in NJ and its surrounding areas. We care about the people of NJ and make it our mission to provide our customers with ice melting materials that improve safety conditions while still being safe for the environment.

In addition to manufacturing our own sand and stone grits, we also carry some of the top brands of environmentally safe ice melting compounds. Our materials are always available at the lowest and most competitive rates.

Ice melt is sold by the bag, the pallet, or the truckload. All of our materials can be picked up at your convenience or can be bulk delivered to areas throughout parts of NJ & NY and limited parts of PA & CT.

Rock Salt Buying Guide

How Much Do Patio Pavers Cost?

Throughout the years, patio pavers have continued to grow in popularity throughout NJ and the northeast, and the trend will continue to grow in 2018. As property owners continue to take advantage of improved economic conditions in order to upgrade the exterior of their homes and places of business, we expect to see a boom in the purchase and installation of patio pavers in the new year and beyond.

So, how much can an average person expect to spend on a project involving patio pavers? Consider the following information to dive deeper into this trend, explore what patio pavers cost and the many factors that influence cost to ensure that you get the best deal on pavers in 2018.

What Do Patio Pavers Cost?

Before you can start diving in and making plans to upgrade your landscape with patio pavers, you first need to have a working understanding of how much those patio pavers cost, and how to start creating an accurate budget.

While there are no “one-size-fits-all” answers to this question, you’ll find that there are some general rules and considerations that will help you to estimate how much you’ll need to plan on investing in patio pavers. In order to help you budget more accurately, here’s a closer look at some of the most important factors which impact patio paver pricing:


Patio pavers cost different amounts based on the materials that they are manufactured from. Patio pavers that were produced from 100% natural stone, for example, will tend to be more expensive than materials that were generated from concrete or brick. You may also find pavers that were manufactured from porcelain, and again, the costs may differ.


The overall price tag on your patio pavers will also vary depending on the manufacturer. There are a number of fantastic manufacturers of natural stone pavers, concrete pavers, brick pavers, and porcelain pavers throughout the United States. Each individual manufacturer may have its own processes for designing and engineering its pavers, and these processes can impact your final cost.


The manufacturer isn’t the only one that plays a role in how much your patio pavers will cost; it’s also very important to take the time to find the right paver supplier.

While some larger chain retailers have a tendency to inflate prices in order to maximize profits, other individual sellers may try to vend a sub-par or knockoff product for an extremely cheap price.

In order to avoid getting ripped off, it’s important to find suppliers that are authorized dealers for the patio paver brands they sell, or that manufacture their own natural stone products on-site. Be sure to shop around and get estimates from local suppliers in order to ensure that you get the best price possible.

Project Size & Scope

Obviously, the size and scope of your project will play a significant role in patio paver expenses. A very large, paved patio or front courtyard, for instance, will require much more material and labor than a small garden path or walkway.

This, in turn, results in an increased initial cost to you. Taking the time to carefully plan out your project needs and what works for your property will help you to ensure that your project size and scope doesn’t exceed your budget.


Different types of styles of patio pavers may come with a different price tag than others. Generally speaking, the more detail that goes into the design of pavers, the more expensive it will tend to be. This is because more extensive manufacturing processes are used to add texture and color to the pavers.


When considering how much patio pavers cost, it’s also smart to consider where the materials where manufactured and where they are coming from. Purchasing from a local supplier will mean that you won’t have to worry about paying for hidden transportation, shipping, and delivery fees.

In addition to saving you money, this also cuts back on your carbon footprint, as fewer emissions are used in the transpiration of your materials.

Fuel Prices

As fuel and oil prices fluctuate, so can the costs of patio pavers. This is because these costs can impact how much expense is required in the manufacture of pavers, as well as in their transportation from manufacturer locations to supplier stores. Fortunately, the outlook for fuel prices in 2018 is quite good at this time.


Once you’ve purchased your patio pavers, you’ll need to have a way of getting them from the supplier to your project site. If you have ordered bulk quantities of pavers, this will likely result in the need to have a professional delivery service transport your materials on your behalf.

In order to keep your patio paver costs at a minimum, it’s wise to choose a supplier that offers quality, affordable bulk paver delivery in your area.

Getting the Best Patio Paver Prices

Now that we’ve explored some of the factors that impact patio paver prices, you may find yourself wondering how you can get the very best deals. Here are a few tips for doing just that:

Stay Local

Avoid the extra hassle and costs associated with attempting to buy patio pavers online or from remote locations. It’s far more affordable to find a local supplier that will provide you with access to high-quality materials at reasonable rates.

Insist on Authorized Dealers

Never waste your time buying name brand patio paver products from suppliers that haven’t been authorized to sell them. The leading patio paver manufacturers require dealers to go through a specific process in order to ensure they have the knowledge required to properly sell their products.

Authorized dealers are the only suppliers who will have access to the latest manufacturer product offerings and who will be able to offer the lowest and most competitive prices.

Check Reviews

It’s always in your best interest to check out reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers before working with a prospective supplier. The best suppliers will have no problem providing you with references to happy clients.

Start Early

Patio pavers cost the most during “peak” construction season – generally late spring and summer. To keep your expenses at a minimum, it’s smart to start buying materials for your construction project early in 2018.

In addition to finding great deals, you’ll also be able to get a head start on finding the best contractor at the lowest rates, and you’ll be able to enjoy the completed project faster.

Buying Patio Pavers in NJ

If you’re looking for the best patio paver prices in NJ, you’ll find them at Braen Supply. As a leading manufacturer and supplier of tons of patio pavers from a range of different leading manufacturers, we are proud to connect customers like you with high-quality materials at affordable prices.

The Braen Supply team is always happy to work closely with you in order to provide valuable advice and to answer any questions you may have about choosing materials, the installation process, pricing, etc.

Our patio pavers are always available at the lowest and most competitive rates and can be picked up at your convenience or bulk delivered to areas throughout parts of NJ & NY and limited parts of PA & CT.

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The 5 Patio Designs that Will Never Go Out of Style

If you love spending time in the outdoors, you’ve probably given some serious thought to installing a paver patio. A well-constructed paver patio can help you maximize your outdoor living space while adding to the curb appeal and dollar value of your property. In order for a patio to continue satisfying your needs and wants into the future, though, you have to get the style just right.

After all, you don’t want to spend your time and energy building a patio that will only be considered fashionable and attractive until the next big trend sweeps the nation.

Instead, you want to settle on a style that transcends the tests of time and will continue to look fabulous, come what may. So which paver patio styles will never go out of style? Here’s a look at five of our favorites:

1. Bluestone

NJ homeowners absolutely love the look of natural stone and bluestone is one of the most popular varieties of natural stone available for paver patios. Bluestone is available in either “all blue” (strictly in shades of blue and blue-gray) or in “full color”, where shades of green, tan or beige may be present.

Regardless of the color chosen, the smooth, sleek and classically elegant look of bluestone creates a sense of timeless beauty that will make you fall in love with your patio time and again.

Bluestone can be used for a patio in one of two ways. First, the bluestone can be purchased with an irregular flagstone cut. This way the stone is naturally split into irregular shapes that can be fit together like a puzzle.

The other option is to purchases bluestone with a dimensional cut. Natural cleft bluestone, for example, can be arranged into geometrical patterns.

2. Tennessee Buff

Tennessee Buff stone is another great option for those who are interested in working with natural flagstone for their paver patio. This particular type of paving material is composed of struggling and durable sandstone. As a result, you’ll notice numerous shades of warm browns, tans, beiges, and buffs.

These warm hues generate a feeling of warmth and comfort throughout the patio area. This makes the pavers perfect for establishing outdoor living rooms and dining rooms that will look incredible throughout the generations.

Another interesting aspect of Tennessee Buff flagstone is that its rich, sandstone texture creates more visual interest and extra traction. Tennessee Buff, like Bluestone, is available in either an irregular and naturalistic cut or in a dimension cut. This “honed” version of Tennessee Buff allows for a smoother and more consistent finish.

3. Clay Brick

Perhaps natural stone isn’t what you’re looking for. Whether you feel that natural stone is a little too pricey or it just doesn’t fit with the style that you’re trying to achieve, you’ll find that you can still have a sense of classic and timeless beauty by working with clay brick pavers. Brick pavers have been used throughout the centuries to pave roads, paths and courtyards.

Today, a growing number of NJ homeowners are bringing this Old World look to their own backyards by establishing stunning patios with clay brick pavers. Brick pavers offer a subtle elegance to any space and because the pavers are available in a wide range of different colors, it’s easy to find a style that will meet your needs in the many years ahead.

In addition to looking great, clay brick pavers are also extremely practical for the present and the long-term. This is because brick pavers are able to adapt when the ground beneath it shifts. This means that your paver patio will continue to look and function perfectly for a long time.

4. Concrete Pavers

If you love the look of natural stone but don’t feel like it’s the most practical or affordable option for your paver patio, we suggest that you consider working with well-crafted concrete pavers.

Manufactured and designed concrete pavers, actually look just like natural stone. Because the pavers are available in a number of different shapes, sizes, styles, and colors, it’s simple to find a style that speaks to your unique tastes and that you feel that you’ll love both now and in the future.

5. Porcelain Pavers

Finally, porcelain is a fine option for constructing a paver patio that will never go out of style. Like concrete pavers, porcelain is manufactured to look and feel just like natural stone.

Because it is designed and engineered professionally, each paver is uniform and consistent, allowing you to achieve absolute perfection with your paver patio design. Outdoor porcelain pavers don’t always look like natural stone, though.

In addition to emulating beautiful stone flagging, porcelain pavers can be manufactured to look like natural hardwood. Hardwood design is a style that has endured throughout centuries of interior and exterior design and it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

The beauty of working with porcelain pavers over actual hardwood is that you won’t have to worry about the “wood” becoming weathered or warped after being exposed to the elements. Instead, porcelain is extremely tough and durable and will continue to meet your needs for as long as you live in your home – and beyond.

Choosing the Right Materials for Your Paver Patio

Each of the materials listed above would make an excellent choice for a long-lasting and beautiful paver patio that would boost your property value both now and in the future. Making the right decision for your home will depend on your unique needs and style preferences.

In order to determine if a certain material would look amazing within the scope of your landscape, we suggest requesting samples from your manufacturer or supplier, as well as taking advantage of online design software programs and tools.

Be sure to also spend some time talking to your supplier about the materials you’re considering. The more you know about the paver patio products, the better a decision you will be able to make for your own project.

Buying Paver Patio Materials in NJ

Braen Supply is a top supplier of patio materials in NJ and its surrounding areas. We produce high-quality, natural stone flagging from our locally owned and operated quarries and we are also authorized to act as dealers for some of the biggest brand names in concrete and porcelain pavers.

As such, we are able to offer a massive inventory of materials to suit your every need and whim. Feel free to visit our local showroom for inspiration for your project and feel free to ask questions and obtain advice from our team of experts.

Our paver patio materials are available for pickup or they can be bulk delivered to areas throughout parts of NJ and NY and limited parts of PA and CT.
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The 2017 Belgard Retaining Wall Installation Guide for Homeowners

A well-constructed wall can go a long way in improving the look and functionality of your property. Whether you’re looking to increase the amount of usable space in your backyard, would like to beautify the landscape of your front yard, or are simply looking for an attractive and effective way to prevent erosion, a Belgard retaining wall is the perfect solution.

Belgard is regarded for its high-quality tandem wall blocks that are designed to look just like natural stone. Because the blocks are available in a wide range of colors and textures, it’s easy to create the perfect look for your property without skimping on practicality. If you’re ready to start building a Belgard retaining wall, this simple installation guide will get you through the process.

Step 1: Choose Your Materials

Belgard is a great fit for any homeowner because the brand offers a wide variety of wall block systems for you to choose from. Spend some time considering the overall look and theme you’d like to create for your property in order to narrow down your options.

We also recommend visiting a local showroom in order to get a firsthand look at the blocks you’re considering working with. Belgard also offers landscaping software design tools that make it easier to picture specific materials in your own yard.

Step 2: Plan Your Design

One of the great things about Belgard retaining wall systems is that they offer a great deal of design flexibility. The blocks can be arranged in straight, curved, or rounded configurations with ease. Texturing and coloring are featured on all sides of the blocks so that you’ll be able to enjoy their beauty no matter what your position.

Throughout the design phase of your project, it’s also a good idea to call your local utility providers and have them evaluate your plans. These professionals will be able to tell you if there are important cables, pipes, or other utilities located beneath your project area that could negatively impact your property now or in the future.

Another thing to remember is that if you are planning on constructing a tall Belgard retaining wall (over 3′ in height), you will need to work with a qualified engineer to ensure that the wall is secure and up to code.

Step 3: Gather Your Materials

In addition to your Belgard tandem retaining wall blocks, you’ll need to gather a few additional materials and supplies in order to get going on your project. Polypropylene connection members, for instance, make it easier for you to construct walls that are attractive and sturdy, without the use of geogrid (in walls 3′ in height or less).

You will also need tools and equipment for excavation and compaction. For smaller project areas, you may be able to work with a shovel, wheelbarrow and a hand tamping tool.

For larger undertakings, you may need to make use of a bobcat, a heavy-duty roller, or other similar pieces of equipment. 3/4″ Crushed stone will be required for the establishment of a leveling pad and for filling in your wall blocks for added internal gravel interlocking.

It’s a good idea to consult with a landscaping professional to determine how much crushed stone to purchase for this purpose. Make sure that you have a shovel on hand for this process, and we recommend using gloves for safety and comfort. You should also have a level handy in order to make sure that your wall is completed with care and precision.

If you are installing a curved or round retaining wall, you will need to have a radius on hand. Finally, make sure that you have the materials required to install a drain pile adjacent to the back of the wall.

Step 4: Create a Leveling Pad

You will need to excavate 6″ plus the height of the block being used prior to installing your Belgard retaining wall system. The soil must be carefully compacted down and cleared of any debris. Once completely level, 6″ of crushed stone must be introduced to the leveling pad and compacted.

Step 5: Start Building

Once the leveling pad is complete, you’ll need to assemble a row of interlocking tandem retaining wall blocks on top of the pad. Use a mallet to ensure that the blocks are securely in place, and be sure to use a level in order to make sure that the blocks are not only level from side to side, but also from front to back.

This is crucial not only to the overall aesthetic of the wall, but also to its overall level of strength and integrity. As you build up the wall, you will need to fill the installed blocks with 3/4″ crushed stone or gravel before proceeding to the next row of blocks.

In addition to adding gravel interlocking, this crushed stone also helps with internal drainage, thus relieving hydrostatic pressure that could negatively impact the strength of the wall over time.

Step 6: Install a Drain Pile

Because NJ and other areas throughout the northeast are so prone to experiencing heavy rainfall and precipitation, it’s very important that you take the time to install a drain pile directly behind the retaining wall. This allows for positive drainage and will keep your wall in the best shape and condition possible so that it can serve your needs for many years.

Step 7: Cap It Off

When you have built your wall the the desired height, you will use Belgard wall caps in order to add even more strength to the wall system while also adding a touch of beauty and sophistication. A strong construction adhesive will need to be used in order to secure the caps in place.

DIY vs Professional Contractors

Those with some DIY-experience and who enjoy hardscaping will find that it’s simple to install a Belgard retaining wall. If, after reading through this installation guide for Belgard retaining wall systems, you are uncertain about your ability to construct your own retaining wall, we strongly urge you to consult with a professional, Belgard Authorized Contractor.

An authorized contractor will be familiar with Belgard products and will know how to properly install your wall blocks in order to protect your investment and your warranty. Talk to your Belgard Authorized Dealer for recommendations for authorized contractors in your locale.

Constructing a Belgard Retaining Wall in NJ

When you’re ready to start work on your Belgard retaining wall system, Braen Supply is ready to help make your dreams come true. As one of the leading Belgard Authorized Dealers in NJ and the northeast, we are able to offer a full inventory of gorgeous, high-quality Belgard retaining wall blocks at the lowest and most competitive prices possible.

Our team is qualified to answer any questions you may have about the design or installation process, and can help connect you to skilled Belgard contractors and designers in the area.

Our Belgard retaining wall products can be viewed in our local showroom, and can be picked up or bulk delivered to areas throughout parts of NJ and NY and limited parts of PA and CT. Give us a call or stop by to learn more today.

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Get an Alternative Look to Traditional Retaining Walls with Belgard’s Belair Wall Units

Many NJ homeowners choose to introduce retaining wall systems to their landscapes. The combination of sloped or hilly yards and high volumes of precipitation can wreak havoc on an otherwise gorgeously manicured lawn, and a properly installed retaining wall can help to protect the land against erosion.

A retaining wall doesn’t have to be purely functional, though. With Belgard retaining walls from the Belair collection, it’s possible to preserve the integrity of your landscape while also adding a touch of unique beauty.

Plain cinder block retaining walls are a thing of the past. Today we will explore how you can achieve a new and exciting look for your property with Belgard retaining walls.

Belgard Belair Retaining Walls At-A-Glance

Belgard Belair retaining wall blocks are all about offering a sense of style and sophisticated to your landscape while still being highly functional.

The blocks are designed and produced to emulate the look of 100% natural stone, and they feature ridges, valleys and interesting texturing on all sides of the blocks so that they can be viewed and enjoyed form any angle.

A blend of natural colors mix together for true warmth and elegance. The wall blocks are easy to assemble and can be used for a number of projects to enhance your landscape.

Benefits of Belgard Belair Retaining Walls

There’s so much to love about Belgard Belair retaining walls. The following benefits will provide you with a glimpse at some of the many reasons why NJ homeowners are crazy about Belair wall blocks:

Unique Beauty

The Belair wall system by Belgard was designed with style and aesthetics in mind. Although manufactured from concrete, you’ll notice that the blocks used to construct these walls look nothing like the plain, gray blocks that some homeowners have used for retaining walls in the past. Instead, each unit is crafted with a chiseled face to offer natural texturing. Paired with its neutral coloring, you’ll never be able to tell the difference between natural stone and the Belgard wall blocks.

Color Variety

Belgard retaining walls from the Belair collection are available in several warm and natural colors. Earthy tones including deep chestnut browns, sandy hues and even shades of red are on offer, making it easy for you to select a hue that makes sense for your property and sense of style. If you’re feeling unsure, you can always visit a local showroom to see the colors in person, or you can order a swatch of the colors to view at your home.

Style Versatility

Belgard Belair wall systems offer flexibility and versatility in terms of design. Whether your prefer a straight, linear wall system or something curved and rounded, you’ll find that it’s possible with these fantastic blocks.


On top of everything else, Belgard retaining walls, including those in the Belair collection, are built to last. Even when subject to the harsh climates of NJ and the northeast, these wall blocks will continue to function and look as beautifully as the day they were installed.

Uses for Belgard Belair Retaining Walls

If you’ve fallen in love with the unique look of Belgard retaining walls, you’re not alone. Numerous NJ homeowners have adapted these gorgeous wall systems to their own spaces and have been delighted with the results. Here are a few ideas for creating a warm and inviting landscape with Belgard Belair retaining walls:

  • Gravity Retaining Walls – Let’s begin with the basics. Many NJ homeowners grow interested in working with Belgard retaining walls because they are in need of a workable solution for preventing soil erosion. In this case, a Belair gravity retaining wall may be constructed to preserve the integrity of the landscape – with style.
  • Privacy Walls – Sometimes walls need to be erected between properties in order to add an element of privacy. Belgard Belair retaining walls can be built to a sufficient height to block out prying eyes and allow you and your loved ones to enjoy your outdoor living space in total seclusion.
  • Tiered Landscaping – If you have a particularly hilly or sloped yard, you may find it hard to get much use out of your space. After all, you can hardly set up patio furniture on an incline, can you? A great solution here is to level out sections of your land with the help of Belgard retaining walls. The Belair collection is a great fit, as the naturalistic “stone” look of the blocks blends will with the grassy areas of land surrounding it. You can use the blocks to establish multiple tiers or levels for outdoor living and look great doing it.
  • Gorgeous Gardens – In addition to creating tiered patios and outdoor living space, you might also level of areas of land and frame them in with Belgard retaining walls in order to establish areas for growing plants and vegetable. Stunning gardens will add to the perceived and monetary value of your home.
  • Staircase Walls – Belgard Belair wall systems are a great choice for creating elegant walls surrounding outdoor steps and staircases.
  • Ledge-Style Seating – If you have built a low retaining wall system around your patio, fire pit, or another area, you may consider creating bench or ledge-style seating with the blocks so that the wall doubles as a bench.

Belgard Belair retaining wall blocks can be used for more than just the construction of actual walls. In addition to this, you might also incorporate Belair wall blocks into your landscape or hardscape in the following ways:

  • Steps – Belgard Belair wall blocks can be used to establish attractive, reliable and functional steps. The texturing of the blocks will allow for excellent traction and safety.
  • Mailboxes – You might consider using Belgard retaining wall blocks from the Belair collection as a base for a beautiful and unique mailbox that will match the rest of your landscape.
  • Pillars – Pillars can easily be constructed with Belair retaining wall blocks, and they will last for many years to come.
  • Fire Pits – Fire pits have grown extremely popular throughout NJ and the northeast, as they create a warm and inviting place for friends and families to gather – even when it’s dark or cool outdoors. Belgard Belair retaining wall blocks are great for constructing attractive, non-combustible fire pits that will look and function perfectly, regardless of the season.

Constructing Belgard Belair Retaining Walls in NJ

Could a Belgard Belair retaining wall system be the right fit for your property? Feel free to visit your local Braen Supply showroom in order to get a closer, firsthand look at these gorgeous materials. As a Belgard Authorized Dealer, we are able to answer any questions you may have about Belgard retaining walls like the Belair system.

We are also able to offer the lowest and most competitive prices for Belgard products in the Tri-State area. Our Belgard wall blocks can be picked up from our location or can be bulk delivered to job sites throughout parts of NJ and NY and limited parts of PA and CT.

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Prepare to Be Obsessed With This Growing Techo-Bloc Fireplace Trend

Do you ever feel like your backyard is missing something? Sure, you may have a nice patio for grilling out and enjoying a quiet meal on a summer night, but perhaps the space just doesn’t feel as cozy or inviting as you’d like.

If this sounds familiar, it’s time to start thinking about installing an outdoor fireplace. Techo-Bloc fireplaces are extremely popular right now, and of the different fireplace kits available, the Manchester Foyer collection is getting a great deal of attention. Read on to learn more about this emerging trend.

Techo-Bloc Outdoor Fireplaces are Trending in 2017

The American Society of Landscape Architects noted that fireplaces were the top outdoor design element in 2016, and that trend has only continued to grow. in 2017. Here in NJ, countless homeowners are getting excited about the idea of introducing a beautiful Techo-Bloc outdoor fireplace to their properties.

This trend isn’t particularly surprising. After all, living room fireplaces have traditionally been viewed as the prime spot for gathering with family and guests. It’s only natural, then, that people would crave the ability to develop the same type of atmosphere in their outdoor living space.

The stunning appearance of outdoor fireplaces by Techo-Bloc create a focal point for the outdoor living environment, and people seem to naturally gravitate towards the fire as a place to relax, unwind and talk to their loved ones.

An outdoor Techo-Bloc fireplace also makes it possible for homeowners and their guests to enjoy the great outdoors, even when it starts getting dark earlier and the cool, crisp fall weather takes hold.

Ultimately, outdoor fireplaces add a great deal of value to the home. As such, we expect to see the outdoor fireplace trend continue to explode into 2018 and beyond.

Manchester Foyer Fireplaces by Techo-Bloc are Leading the Pack

While all Techo-Bloc outdoor fireplaces are enjoying growing popularity and attention, one trend seems to be standing out the most. The Manchester Foyer fireplace is capturing the hearts and imaginations of homeowners from all walks of life and is becoming “the next big thing” for the 2017-2018 season.

The Manchester Foyer fireplace is distinguished by its strong yet unimposing presence. A fireplace, two “wings” for wood storage and a tall and broad chimney are the hallmarks of this collection.

Although large in size, the fireplace kit does not overwhelm an outdoor living space, but rather adds warmth and interest to it. The aged facing of the blocks give the fireplace a completely natural and charming appearance, adding to the luxury and value of the piece.

Manchester Foyer fireplaces were carefully designed to compliment and work with a wide range of other Techo-Bloc hardscaping materials, including outdoor grill islands, fire pits, walls, steps and pavers. It’s easy to see why this particular outdoor fireplace kit is taking the landscaping and hardscaping world by storm.

Benefits of Manchester Foyer Fireplaces by Techo-Bloc

So how can Techo-Bloc fireplaces like those from the Manchester Foyer collection benefit you, personally? Here are a few of the biggest advantages to installing a Manchester Foyer fireplace:

Stately Appearance

There’s no denying the fact that Techo-Bloc’s Manchester Foyer outdoor fireplace makes a strong impression. The stately and subtly elegant fireplace kit is comprised of high quality Techo-Bloc building blocks that look exactly like natural, chiseled stone.

The tall yet proportionate chimney demands attention, and the gorgeous mantle pieces are to die for. The Foyer fireplace will very quickly become the centerpiece of your outdoor living space.


Techo-Bloc fireplaces from the Manchester Foyer collection are available in simple and neutral, yet lovely colors. Shale Gray offers a hint of cool sophistication, whereas Harvest Gold brings warmth to the space. Both hues are easily incorporated into just about any style of landscaping or architecture.

Ample Storage

Of all of the many luxurious Techo-Bloc fireplaces, the Manchester Foyer kit offers some of the best wood storage. Both sides of the fireplace feature open box storage where you can stack up wood for future get-togethers and nights under the stars.

Warmth & Light

A Foyer fireplace by Techo-Bloc offers a feeling of warmth, light and coziness to any outdoor living space. When the sun goes down and the temperatures dip, you and your loved ones will still be able to enjoy your time outdoors, gathered around the flames.

Ease of Installation

Techo-Bloc fireplaces are designed in a way to promote fast, easy installations and the Manchester Foyer kit is no exception to this rule. Skilled do-it-yourselfers will find that assembling the fireplace is quite simple. If you prefer, however, authorized Techo-Bloc contractors can quickly build the fireplace so that you can begin enjoying it right away.


Natural stone fireplaces can be extremely expensive, and many homeowners have to save up for years in order to afford one. Although the Manchester Foyer fireplace looks like natural stone, it is actually constructed from concrete. This means that the fireplace is much less costly and can be worked into any budget.

Simple Maintenance

Once installed, you and your family will be able to enjoy the beauty of your outdoor fireplace without the need to worry about constant maintenance or upkeep. Techo-Bloc products (including fireplace kits) are tough, durable and weather-resistant.

Installing Manchester Foyer Techo-Bloc Fireplaces in NJ

Braen Supply is the top Techo-Bloc supplier in NJ. As an authorized Techo-Bloc dealer, we have access to Manchester Foyer fireplaces in both available color palettes and can offer the most competitive prices on the market.

We are passionate about the Techo-Bloc products we sell and are happy to provide you with information about Foyer fireplaces and their proper installation.

We can also connect you with locally authorized Techo-Bloc contractors who can assist you with the design and installation process. Our Techo-Bloc fireplace kits can be picked up at your convenience or can be bulk delivered to locations throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC and PA.

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Stay Up to Date on Techo-Bloc’s Price List for 2018

As 2017 starts to come to an end, many NJ homeowners are setting their sights to the New Year, and their landscaping plans for 2018. If this rings true for you, you’re probably curious about the Techo-Bloc price list for the coming year.

In order to help you make the necessary preparations and properly budget for your home’s make however, we’ve put together this guide to what to expect from Techo-Bloc pricing in 2018.

Techo-Bloc Offers Affordable Landscaping Materials

No matter how large your small your upcoming project is going to be, you can count on the fact that you’ll be able to pull it off without breaking your budget when you choose to work with Techo-Bloc products.

Techo-Bloc is extraordinary popular because it works hard to manufacture high quality landscaping and hardscaping materials that are affordable to homeowners from all walks of life.

When you first take a look at the stunning beauty and integrity of pavers, slabs, wall blocks, steps, fireplace kits, outdoor grill islands and other Techo-Bloc products, you may worry that the materials may be too expensive for your property.

While the hand-crafted products are absolutely gorgeous, however, they are available at low prices and are much less expensive than other popular landscaping and hardscaping materials.

How is this possible? Even though Techo-Bloc materials may look exactly like natural stone (or in some cases, like natural hardwood), they are actually crafted from concrete. The concrete is then treated for natural coloring, beautiful cuts and rich texturing.

Because concrete is much more affordable than natural stone, you’ll be able to get the look at a fraction of the price. That’s a huge reason why the Techo-Bloc price list for 2018 is so reasonable.

Factors Impacting the Techo-Bloc Price List for 2018

In order to predict what the Techo-Bloc price list will look like in 2018, we need to consider a number of factors which can ultimately impact the cost of hardscaping and landscaping materials for customers like yourself. Here’s a look at a few items which can play a role in pricing:

Manufacturing Costs

When a manufacturer like Techo-Bloc has to pay more in order to produce its materials, it needs to charge its customers more in order to make a profit, and vise-versa. Consequently, we must take manufacturing costs for 2018 into consideration in order to make predictions about the Techo-Bloc price list.

Manufacturing costs can be impacted by how much electricity or energy must be expended during the manufacturing process. Keeping an eye on current energy pricing is a good idea.

In addition to this, consider that some materials feature much more detailing than others, and will therefore require a lot more time and attention during production. Consequently, they may be slightly more expensive.


Fuel can go hand-in-hand with production and energy costs, but it also impacts Techo-Bloc pricing in other ways. First, let’s look at the manufacturing process.

Because certain types of fuel must be used in order to operate equipment and machinery required during the production of Techo-Bloc products, it’s only natural that the rise and fall of fuel prices will impact the Techo-Bloc price list.

Next, let’s consider transportation costs. Techo-Bloc products need to be shipped from the plant where they were manufactured to the showrooms of local dealers like Braen Supply.

When fuel costs are high, it becomes very expensive to transport materials. Consequently, customer costs go up. Watching fuel prices in 2018 will provide you with some insight about Techo-Bloc prices.


When you’re ready to start planning your Techo-Bloc budget, it’s important to be aware of how the quantity of materials you require for your landscaping job will impact Techo-Bloc prices in 2018.

If you’re planning on keeping up with the latest landscaping trends for the new year, you may need to adhere to specific quantities. For example, privacy walls are trending, and demand a higher wall, thereby requiring more wall blocks than a lower retaining wall.

Always take the time to make sure that you’re ordering the right amount of materials in order to get the best deal possible. By doing so, you’ll avoid the hassle of purchasing too much material and wasting money, or the stress caused by ordering too little material and having your project come to a halt while you order more.

If you have any doubts about how much material to purchase, we urge you to speak with a member of our team or another trusted landscaping professional for expert advice.


Only a Techo-Bloc supplier will be able to offer the official Techo-Bloc price list for 2018. Although other suppliers may sell cheap knock-offs or attempt to re-sell Techo-Bloc materials at a marked up rate, you’ll only be able to get a good deal from an authorized dealer. Don’t get ripped off in the new year.

Getting the Best Techo-Bloc Prices in NJ

As a longtime authorized dealer for Techo-Bloc,  Braen Supply is proud to offer high quality Techo-Bloc products at fair and competitive rates. Homeowners from all across NJ and throughout the northeast know they can count on Braen Supply for the lowest rates and the best customer service.

We’re happy to spend time with you to help you plan out your Techo-Bloc budget, to go over the Techo-Bloc price list, to help you calculate how much material to buy and to answer any other questions you may have.

Feel free to visit our local showroom to see our Techo-Bloc products firsthand and to talk with our staff. Our materials can be picked up or bulk delivered to areas throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC and PA.

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Maximize Your Backyard Space With These Techo-Bloc Inspiration Tips

If you’re like many NJ homeowners, you’ve got a nice sized backyard. Unless you’ve maximized the design of your property, though, all of that space is probably going to waste. We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Techo-Bloc makes it easy for you to design and construct a beautiful and highly functional outdoor living space so that you can get the most out of your land. The following Techo-Bloc outdoor living inspiration tips will help you to get started with the creative process so that you can start enjoying the landscape you’ve always hoped for.

Techo-Bloc Inspiration Tip #1: Begin With a Goal in Mind

In order to turn your backyard into a practical, attractive and livable space, you need to have a solid game plan. Before anything else, take some time to think about what your ultimate goals are. Consider how you envision yourself and your family making use of your newly transformed backyard.

Do you plan on cooking and dining outdoors? Are you interested in soaking up the sun from a swimming pool? Do you like the idea of gardening? Once you know what you want, you’ll find that it’s much easier to draw inspiration from specific Techo-Bloc products and materials.

You’ll find that it’s even easier to narrow down your options when you’ve taken the time to determine your goals in terms of style. Every homeowner is different and will have their own unique tastes and interests. It’s important that you work to create a space that is a reflection of your personality and will match up with your individual sense of style.

Techo-Bloc manufactures products that make sense for people of all backgrounds and walks of life. Whether you like the idea of a storybook cottage, a traditional Colonial home, the English countryside, an evening in Paris, modern sophistication, or something totally eclectic, you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Techo-Bloc Inspiration Tip #2: Consider All the Options

As one of the largest and most popular hardscaping manufacturers, Techo-Bloc produces an extraordinary number of high quality products and materials for outdoor living.

In order to make sure that you’re 100% satisfied with your completed project, it’s important that you take the time to consider all of your options before proceeding with work. To give you a better idea about all that Techo-Bloc has to offer, here’s a look at some of their most popular products and materials:

  • Slabs/Pavers – The “flooring” or “decking” you use in your outdoor living space will set the tone, so it’s important to select the right materials. Fortunately, Techo-Bloc manufactures tough, durable, affordable and exceptionally gorgeous concrete pavers and slabs that look just like natural stone. There are also a couple of options which emulate the look of hardwood. Slabs and pavers can be used to establish outdoor kitchens and dining rooms, patios, paths and walkways, swimming pool decks and more.
  • Wall Blocks – If your backyard is sloped or hilly, you can use Techo-Bloc wall blocks to create stunning retaining walls that will help to level off areas of your property for more outdoor living space. Wall blocks can also be used to create dividing or decorative walls, and in the construction of staircases.
  • Steps – Adding steps to your backyard’s design is a great way to make your space more accessible so that you can get the most out of your property. Steps also add a great deal of visual appeal and can increase home value.
  • Fireplaces – There’s nothing like a spectacular outdoor fireplace for creating a warm, cozy and even romantic atmosphere in your backyard. Techo-Bloc manufactures truly breathtaking fireplace kits that will become the centerpiece of your backyard. The warmth generated from your fireplace will not only fill your heart with joy, but will also allow you to continue spending time outdoors when the weather cools down.
  • Fire Pits – In addition to fireplaces, Techo-Bloc offers all of the materials you need to build a wonderful fire pit. Whether your style is rustic or modern, you’ll find that it’s simple to create a fire pit that matches your unique vibe.
  • Grill Islands – For those who love the idea of hosting get-togethers with family and friends, a Techo-Bloc grill island is a “must.” These kits make it possible for you to prepare entire meals outdoors and provide ample bar seating for your guests.

This is not by any means a complete list of all of the incredible materials manufactured by Techo-Bloc. It’s smart to visit a local Techo-Bloc dealer and showroom in order to receive all of the Techo-Bloc inspiration as you possibly can.

Techo-Bloc Inspiration Tip #3: Let It Flow

Once you know how you want to use your outdoor living space and which products/materials you’d like to incorporate within that space, you’re ready to come up with an attractive and practical design layout. The “open concept” idea is not only trending in interior design, but also in exterior design.

For this reason, it’s often advisable to come up with a layout that really “flows.” In order to maintain the flow, we suggest playing with symmetry, using similar materials throughout different areas of your outdoor living space and making sure that all different areas are connected with open paths, walkways, or staircases.

If, for example, you plan on designing a backyard that features a kitchen, a dining space, a fire pit and a swimming pool, there are several steps you can take to establish an open,  flowing design concept  Perhaps your grill island is surrounded by bar stool seating for game day entertainment. You can use seating of a similar style for your dining room, and make use of the same pavers or slabs for the “flooring” in these areas.

A wide path may lead from the bar or dining area to the swimming pool. While the pavers or slabs used for the walkway don’t need to be the same material as the dining and kitchen floor, you can use the kitchen floor pavers as an edging material, or as a decorate intercept midway through the path.

This will create cohesion. Techo-Bloc steps can lead down to a recessed or sunken fire pit. You might consider building the fire pit with blocks that mirror those of your grill island.

This type of design is aesthetically pleasing and makes good sense to the eyes of you and your visitors. Ultimately, this will add a lot more value to your space.

Techo-Bloc Inspiration Tip #4: Choose the Right Dealer

Techo-Bloc designs and manufactures amazing products, but they don’t sell their materials directly to homeowners like you. Instead, you’ll need to find an authorized Techo-Bloc dealer who can provide you with inspiration and tips for maximizing your backyard. NJ homeowners know that they can trust Braen Supply with all of their Techo-Bloc inspiration needs.

We are a leading, authorized Techo-Bloc dealer with a team that is fully dedicated to helping homeowners make their landscaping and hardscaping dreams come true. Visit our showroom to get a firsthand look at the many incredible Techo-Bloc products and materials we have to offer at the lowest rates possible. Our Techo-Bloc materials can be picked up or bulk delivered throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC and PA.
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The Best Way to Work Thin Stone Veneer Into Your Property

Love the look of natural stone but don’t feel it’s exactly the right fit for your needs? Whether full-sized natural stone is too costly or too heavy and bulky for you to work with, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to enjoy all of the beauty that it has to offer.

Thin stone veneers make it possible for you to bring the natural elegance and sophistication of true stone to your property in a way that is practical for your design needs and budget. In fact, thin stone veneers can be installed more quickly, efficiently and affordably than full stone veneers or true natural stone.

There’s no question that thin stone veneers are a great fit for most NJ homes. Now all that remains is for you to figure out how you’d like to introduce this type of veneer to your property.

After many decades in the business, we have seen countless homeowners bring new life to their properties with thin stone veneers and our goal is to help you do this same. Consider these inspirational ideas on how to incorporate thin stone veneers into both the interior and exterior of your home.

Ideas for Thin Stone Veneer Indoors

Thin stone veneers are frequently used in interior design and decor and it’s easy to see why. With so many stunning styles, shapes, sizes, textures and colors to choose from, it’s easy for homeowners to find a thin stone veneer that can bring a touch of glamour and upscale beauty to their homes. Here are a few of our favorite ways to work with thin stone veneers indoors:


Plain old tile isn’t cutting it anymore for kitchen and bathroom backsplashes. Modern homeowners want every inch of their home to be stylish and sophisticated and that means introducing new materials like thin stone veneers to these areas. Thin stone veneers make for visually exciting and extremely attractive backsplashes and they are also very practical, affordable and easy to maintain.


Your fire place is the very heart and soul of your indoor living space. Wherever there is a fireplace, friends, family and loved ones are sure to gather together. To create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere that will create lasting memories, it’s important to get the design of your fireplace just right.

With a thin stone veneer, you can find a style of natural stone that speaks to your individual tastes and needs and easily construct an amazing centerpiece for your home that will endure for the ages.

For fireplaces that are built into the wall, you might consider extending the veneer design upward to the ceiling, creating a chimney effect. This veneer can even be used to surround and accentuate flat screen TVs, creating the perfect blend of classic elegance and modern lifestyle.

Wine Cellars

Thin stone veneer materials are an amazing choice for sprucing up or decorating your wine cellar or indoor wet bar. The natural stone look provides a charming and vintage appearance to these areas that is sure to captivate the imagination and excite you and your guests.

Ideas for Thin Stone Veneer Outdoors

Of course, the look and feel of natural stone are absolutely perfect for upgrading the decor of your home’s exterior. There are numerous ways in which thin stone veneer can be used to add natural elegance and glamour to your property. Some of the most popular ways to work with a thin stone veneer outdoors include:


Although natural stone was a common building material used by the colonials, working with it is not always practical in today’s world. Even so, you can give your New England home that sense of colonial charm by working with thin stone veneers. These veneers are a great siding option that will make your home look like it was crafted from true stone – without any of the extra costs or hassles.

Foundation Walls

Some NJ homeowners like the idea of working with stone veneers to decorate their home’s exterior, but they aren’t sold on the idea of entirely siding their house with the materials. Thin stone veneers look stunning when used to side foundation walls. They compliment wood, vinyl and other types of siding, highlighting the beauty of the home while standing out on their own.


Too many homeowners neglect the appearance of their home’s exterior chimneys. While the rest of the house and the property as a whole may be well-maintained and manicured, the chimney may be in a state of disrepair or disarray. Giving the chimney a facelift with thin stone veneers is a low-cost and relatively simple project that can make a huge difference in the overall appearance of your home.

Columns and Pillars

Whether they are purely decoration or also serve a functional, load-bearing purpose, columns and pillars play a big role in the overall appearance of your home’s exterior. When decorated with a thin stone veneer, they will attract positive visual attention to your property, improving its curb appeal and increasing the overall value of your home.


Just like their indoor counterparts, outdoor fireplaces often serve as the focal point of an outdoor living space, establishing a cozy and inviting atmosphere where you and your loved ones can gather. Using a natural stone veneer as the face for your outdoor fireplace will give it that classic charm and beauty that you crave, while also allowing the fireplace unit to blend nicely with that nature surrounding it.

A thin stone veneer fireplace will never look out of place in your outdoor living space and it will be able to endure significant changes of weather and the elements, making for a long-lasting look that you can depend on.

Buying Thin Stone Veneer in NJ

If you’re excited about the idea of decorating your property with affordable thin stone veneer, Braen Supply is ready to help make your dreams come true. We’re the leading supplier of thin stone veneer products – both natural and manufactured – in NJ and its surrounding areas.

We take pride in offering a massive inventory of different styles of veneer products to our customers and we always guarantee the highest quality materials. We offer low and competitive prices every day so that you can upgrade your property on a budget that makes sense for you. Our thin stone veneer materials can be picked up at your convenience or can be bulk delivered to areas throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC and PA.

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