5 Quick Tips About Using Decorative Gravel In Your Flower Beds

Dedicating part of your residential or commercial landscape to flower beds is a wonderful way to give the area some real pizzazz. Even if people don’t always seem to notice, flowers have a tendency to work on visitors in a subconscious way. Thanks to their attractive appearance and pleasant scent, they make people feel happy and relaxed. Simply put, flower beds are a fantastic compliment to any property.

While it is true that the flowers you choose are extremely important, what often makes a flower bed really stand out is the choice of material that you use inside the bed. One great choice that many homeowners and business owners have been opting for in recent years is the use of decorative gravel. To help you get the most out of this choice, we have compiled a few simple tips to get you started:

Understand the Benefits of Decorative Gravel

The first thing you should look at when deciding if decorative gravel is the right choice to make for your flower bed is the benefits. Here are a few:

  • Attractive Appearance — First and foremost, the benefit you’ll immediately notice with decorative gravel is its beautiful appearance. With the different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures at your disposal, your flower beds will compliment any landscape.
  • Improved Drainage — Many people don’t seem to realize that decorative gravel provides better drainage for their plants and flowers. After it rains, the gravel will allow the water to drain at the perfect speed so as to avoid the plants drying out or retaining too much moisture, thereby providing perfect growing conditions.
  • Temperature Control — When the sun is out and beating down on your flowers, they are susceptible to drying out more quickly. Decorative gravel acts as a barrier between the sun’s rays and the soil around the flowers. Adversely, the gravel also stops too much water from evaporating.
  • Longevity — While mulching solutions decay over time and must be replaced periodically, decorative gravel will basically last forever. Plus, since there’s a lack of decay, pests like rodents and insects are less likely to become a problem.

Choose the Right Type for Your Flower Bed

Now that you understand the benefits of decorative gravel, it’s time to focus on choosing the right type for your flower bed. Here are four of the most common options:

  • Pea Gravel — Due to their size, shape, and smooth appearance, pea gravel has always been a popular choice amongst homeowners and business owners. The stones vary in color, which means you’ll have plenty of types to choose from.
  • Jersey Shore Gravel — This yellow gravel has been given the moniker of “Jersey Shore” gravel due to its popularity in the area. It is so prevalent that you might not even notice just how much it’s used. Look around, though, and you’ll see that it’s everywhere, which makes it a wonderful choice for flower beds.
  • Mexican Beach Pebbles — These small stones have been rounded by flowing waters over time and include a variety of natural, attractive tints. Their appearance has made them extremely popular for both residential and commercial applications.
  • River Rock — If you’re looking for a type of stone/gravel that is both smooth in appearance and features several different colors to choose from, river rock might be just what the landscaper ordered. The best part is that river rock isn’t expensive, which makes it a great solution for flower beds and other landscaping projects.

Take Your Time with Making a Decision

Even though a flower bed may seem like a small project when compared to full-on landscaping jobs, it isn’t something you want to rush or take for granted. With the right type of flowers and a complimentary decorative gravel to go along with them, you can greatly improve the appearance and functionality of your property. The basic idea here is to avoid rushing into a decision and then regretting it afterward. Do your research and don’t be afraid to get help from others (which we’ll cover below). This will help ensure that the result is a beautiful set of flower beds that you can be proud of.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Friends for Advice

There’s a good chance that some of your friends have installed flower beds at their homes. The same could be true for neighbors or fellow business owners near you. The point is that asking for advice never hurts, and they may be able to give you some insight into what constitutes an attractive, effective flower bed. This is especially true if they have experience in landscaping that far exceeds your own. Reach out to anyone close that you trust and the results might be even better than expected.

Consult with Experts for Design Options, If Necessary

If you’ve exhausted the advice of all your friends and neighbors, or simply don’t have anyone close to you that have used flower beds and decorative gravel in the past, then you should feel free to consult with experts on the matter. There’s probably no reason to pay for landscapers for a consult, of course, which means that your gravel supplier should be asked. A good supplier will have the knowledge and expertise required to give you all of the information you need or tell you where to find the answers to your questions.

Buying Decorative Gravel in NJ

The first step to using decorative gravel in your flower bed is to find a reputable supplier of the material. Braen Supply has proven itself as the number one supplier for all of New Jersey’s landscaping needs for both residential and commercial use. Our team of skilled professionals will help you select the right material for an upcoming job, instruct you in its usage, and answer any questions you may have. We are available to assist you before, during, and after any given project. Our decorative gravel is competitively priced and can be picked up at your convenience or delivered in bulk throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC, and PA.

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