Where Can I Find Mulch Near Me?

Any homeowner or business owner who has ever tackled a landscaping or gardening project has most likely been introduced to mulch as an optional material to use. In fact, mulch has become an essential component for many residential and commercial applications. There are several types of mulch available, but cedar mulch is typically the most popular, which is why it will be our primary focus for this discussion. The one question is… where can I find mulch near me? Our primary goal today is to answer that question, but we’ll also be looking at the uses of mulch, its benefits, and the types of cedar mulch available. What can we say? We like to be thorough whenever we’re covering an essential subject.

Uses of Quality Mulch

Mulch is a popular material for many types of projects that help enhance the appearance and functionality of your residential or commercial property. Here are a few of the most common uses:

  • Landscape — Mulch has probably been a popular material for landscaping projects ever since landscaping was a thing. That’s how effective it is in improving the appearance of your landscape, in addition to other benefits. The affordable price doesn’t hurt, either, because that means all types of projects and budgets can take advantage.
  • Gardening — If you’re searching for a material that will improve the health of your plants, look no further than mulch. This fantastic material is able to regulate soil temperatures and moisture levels, and will also prevent weeds from stealing nutrients from garden plants. Thanks to mulch, your garden will look and function magnificently.
  • Walkways — Mulch is a popular material for walkways and paths in both residential and commercial applications because it’s soft and comfortable to walk on. Plus, the visual appeal of mulch means that the walkway or path will be pleasing to the eye for homeowners, business owners, and any visitors that come around.
  • Playgrounds — At first glance, the use of mulch in playground areas is a given because it looks inviting and pleasant. But, there is another, much more important reason – it improves safety for your children. This is because mulch provides shock absorption while kids are running, jumping, and playing, decreasing the possibility of injury.

Where to Find Mulch Near Me

Mulch may not be difficult to find most of the time, but where you purchase it can be an important factor to successfully making it a part of your landscape. In fact, you may be tempted to purchase mulch online to save a few bucks, but this is a mistake. When you purchase mulch online or through a non-specialty store such as Walmart or Target, you’ll be missing out on the professional element. A supplier that has years of experience, such as Braen Supply, can provide you with valuable insight into how to get the most out of mulch and other landscaping materials. Plus, their experts can answer questions you may have from the beginning of a project to its end, and even after everything has been finished. This makes ordering from a reputable dealer absolutely indispensable and will help ensure that your project goes off without a hitch and has the best results possible. You simply can’t get that type of assistance when you order online or through a non-specialty retailer.

Benefits of Mulch in Landscaping

If you’ve decided to use mulch in your landscaping project, then you’ve definitely made a great choice. Here is a quick run-down of the benefits that you can expect:

  • Appearance — Mulch comes in light hues, providing a neutral color palette that you can easily incorporate into any landscape design.
  • Pleasant Smell — The pleasant, soothing odor of mulch will delight visitors to your home or business, thereby helping them feel welcomed.
  • Improved Temp Control — The light hues of mulch also help control the temperature of soil around plants by absorbing just enough sunlight.
  • Better Moisture Control — Mulch does a great job at negating evaporation of moisture by the sun, which will help promote healthier growth.
  • Pest Control — Pests often don’t like the aroma of mulch, which means that many rodents and insects will give your landscape a wide berth.
  • Valuable Nutrients — When mulch decomposes naturally, the soil is enriched with nutrients that are released during the process.

Types of Mulch Available

As explained above, cedar mulch is the most popular type of mulch available for both residential and commercial projects. Here are the three types for you to choose from:

  • Brown (Natural) Cedar Mulch — This is a popular choice for many homeowners and business owners because it’s the closest to an earth tone. This will allow any landscaping, gardening, or other project to look as natural as possible.
  • Black Cedar Mulch — This choice provides a striking difference between the mulch itself and the green vegetation, bright flowers, and other surrounding features. Plus, a black background or accent makes everything look better.
  • Red Cedar Mulch — If you’re looking for a type of mulch that will stand out on your property, then this is definitely the one for you. This is, by far, the flashiest color of cedar mulch available, which means it will easily stand out.

Purchasing Mulch Near Me in NJ

Prior to beginning a landscaping project involving mulch or any other such material, you’ll need to locate a reputable supplier. For just under two decades, Braen Supply has been an industry leader in providing assistance with a multitude of landscaping tasks and materials, including mulch, stone, decorative gravel, and much more. Our staff has certainly been around the block more than once and can answer any questions you may have before, during, or after a project. All of our materials are competitively priced and can either be picked up locally at our NJ location or delivered in bulk to areas throughout parts of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.

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The Top 10 Creative Ways To Use Decorative Aggregates In Your Yard

If you’ve decided to embark on the adventure of creating a landscape project for your home, we salute your efforts. When searching for a way to make your landscaping project truly stand out, there’s a good chance that you’ll eventually consider the use of decorative aggregates. Given the wide variety of choices available and how they spruce up absolutely any project, it’s obvious why you’d want to use them.

There are almost an endless number of ways that you can utilize decorative aggregates to improve the overall appearance of both your front and backyard. It would be impossible to cover all of them, so what we’ve done is put together a list of some of the more creative uses that homeowners have come up with over the years. Choose one, two, or even a few of them to really help your landscaping project stand out.

Use as a Walkway

Although the first thing that your friends and family will see when they approach your home is the front of the house itself, having an attractive walkway as they make their way to your front door is a fantastic way to set the mood of their visit. Decorative aggregates can be placed closely together into the ground as a way to create a gorgeous, colorful walkway, either as a full path or as a series of stepping stones. You can also shape them into animals and whatnot, or whatever else you desire.

Enhance a Pool Deck

Since swimming pools are such a popular place for people to hang out when they come to visit, the deck area is definitely a place where you want to focus a good deal of your creative energy. You really can’t go wrong with any type of decorative aggregates surrounding your deck, but if you’re going for a tropical look, which many homeowners like to do, there are several different colorful types for you to choose from.

Base of a Mailbox

Many homeowners seem to ignore their mailbox when it comes to attempting to spruce up the appearance of their front yard, but this is a mistake. After all, your mailbox is typically situated at the very front of your yard, which is exactly why so many people decorate the mailbox itself. Adding decorative aggregates to the base of the mailbox will improve its appearance with very little effort.

Line a Walkway

Rather than using decorative aggregates to actually create the walkway leading up to your front door or through your yard, you can also use them to line your existing or future walkway. Doing so will improve the path’s appearance with minimal effort or cost involved. This is a quick and easy use of decorative aggregates that can make a big impact for both household members and visitors to your home.

Flower Bed Edging

Flower beds have become a very popular feature in a variety of landscaping layouts due to the colorful beauty that they can add to both your front yard and backyard. You can increase the attractiveness of flower beds by either filling the entire area with decorative aggregates or use them around the edges to accentuate the plants and flowers.  No matter which way you decide to go, the end result will be absolutely fantastic.

Base of Trees

While the presence of trees will definitely improve the look of your home, not to mention the environmental impact, the truth is that most aren’t exactly exciting or especially colorful in appearance unless they’re bearing fruit or flowers. This makes them the perfect area for adding a collection of decorative aggregates. Simply create a circular pattern, or any shape you would like, around the base of the tree and place your selected aggregates there.

Spotlight a Fire Pit

Many modern homeowners have been redoing their backyard by putting in a fire pit for themselves and others to enjoy. This is an especially popular area during the winter months, but it’s a great place to hang out all year round. Laying down some decorative aggregates is a great way to spruce up its appearance and make the time spent with family and friends around it even better.

Decorate a Slope

When your front yard has a slope due to an uneven ground,  it can actually look pretty cool even if there’s nothing more than grass growing there. However, if you’re looking for a way to make it stand out, then adding decorative aggregates is a perfect choice. In fact, because of the angle, the aggregates will be quite visible, which will help beautify the entire yard and add curb appeal.

Meditation Garden

In today’s often stressful society, it’s important that you relax and regroup from time to time. A meditation garden with decorative aggregate can provide a calming effect for household members and visitors. You’ll be able to choose soothing, pleasant colors that will help bring harmony to your household. And even if you’re not really into meditation or other holistic methods, this type of design is a wonderful idea just for the beautification aspect.

Highlight a Water Structure

Water structures are a very popular landscaping option because they truly add something special and unique to any type of layout. You can highlight these structures by placing decorative aggregates around their base or in the area nearby. Another option is to you choose some aggregates that match the color of the water structure itself to enhance its overall size and appearance.

Buying Decorative Aggregates in New Jersey

Whether you use decorative aggregates in a traditional landscaping design or something a bit more creative, you’re going to need a reliable supplier like Braen Supply. Our team of experts have been providing materials for almost 20 years, and we also perform landscape design where we will analyze your project’s needs and hook you up with a reputable contractor. Our materials are competitively priced, and you can either drop by our facility to pick them up or have them bulk delivered to most areas throughout NJ and parts of NY, CT, and PA.

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The 5 Easy Steps To Making Over Your Yard With Garden Stones

There are a ton of different strategies that a homeowner can use in order to enhance the appearance of their home. Although you can always invest in the installation of stone siding, a complete revamp of your swimming pool deck, or a wide variety of other complicated projects, adding garden stones to either an existing or newly designed landscaping project is a simple way to change the overall appearance of your home’s exterior.

In fact, the installation of garden stones, which can be implemented in a variety of locations and projects, is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to give new life to your home’s yard. Let’s take a look at a few advantages of making over your yard with garden stones and then follow that up with five easy steps that will be involved.

Advantages of Garden Stones

Before we dive into the steps required to make over your yard with garden stones, we’re first going to briefly cover some of the advantages of using garden stones and your landscaping project:

Gorgeous Appearance

First and foremost, garden stones provide an attractive appearance for your landscape, whether you choose muted colors such as black and white or prefer brightly colored stones. And, of course, there are plenty of different types to choose from such as river rock, Mexican Beach Pebbles and pea gravel.


One of the greatest things about the use of garden stones in your yard is that they are extremely low maintenance. Sure, you may occasionally find a rock that has been kicked out of its designated area or picked up and tossed out by a child, but that doesn’t compare to the constant maintenance needed for grass and other vegetation.

Saves Money

Watering your lawn may be a tradition for millions of homeowners, but it definitely takes time and effort to do it properly. Plus, to keep it green all year round, it will often take a great deal of water. With garden stones, you’ll cut down or completely eliminate your need to water the lawn, which means that you’ll save money each month on your utility bills.

Won’t Decompose

Another great thing about garden stones is that, unlike materials such as mulch and wood chips, the stones won’t break down and decompose over time. This means that you won’t have to replace the materials as they become unusable, which will save you both time and money.

Won’t Attract Pests

Pests such as insects and rodents can become a real nuisance in your yard. Materials such as mulch and wood chips attract these critters when they decompose, which obviously won’t be a problem with garden stones.

Five Steps to Using Garden Stones

Now that you understand the advantages of using garden stones in your yard, let’s take a look at the seven steps you’ll need to follow for this landscaping project:

Kill Grass and Weeds

The first thing you’re going to want to do is get rid of all of the grass and weeds in the area where the garden stones will be used for your new landscape. You’ll want to pull or dig up as much as you possibly can and then apply herbicide to the ground in order to stunt further growth.

Dig into the Soil and Smooth It Out

Now that you’ve taken care of the grass and weeds, you’ll need to dig four inches down into the soil. This is done because you don’t want your rocks to sit on any type of high ground and then wash away in a storm. If the ground is uneven, simply dig deeper in certain areas to level it out. Once this is done, smooth out the soil with a steel rake and then use a hand tamper to compact it.

Lay Down Crushed Stone Pack

Next, you’ll want to pick up some crushed stone pack, which is a mixture of stone dust and small crushed stones. Lay approximately 2 1/2 inches of the stone pack over the compacted soil, and then use the steel rake to make it even. After that is done, spray the pack with water to dampen it, compact it to two inches thick, and use your hand tamper to make a hard, even surface.

Lay Down Landscape Fabric

In order to keep any straggler weeds from growing, you need to lay down landscape fabric. If your yard has a curve, simply cut the fabric along the inside and outside edges, overlap it at the cuts of the inside curve and then let it fan out to the outside curve. Lastly, tightly secure the fabric with landscaping spikes.

Lay Edging Around the Yard

The next step is to lay edging around your yard, which is done by following the landscape fabric edges. This will provide additional protection by enforcing the area where you’ll be laying the garden stones.

Pour In the Desired Rocks 

At long last, you’ve reached the point where you will actually lay down your garden stones. For this step, you’ll want to completely cover the landscape fabric, but leave approximately one-half inch of edging at the top so that the rocks don’t spill over. And, once again, grab your trusty rake and even out the surface of the stones.

Outline with Larger Stones

In order to further protect the integrity of your brand new garden stone landscape, lay down some large decorative stones and push them slightly into the smaller stone. Then, rake over the area once more and you’re all finished. Congratulations on your beautiful new landscape!

Purchasing Garden Stones in New Jersey

At some point while making your plans to reinvigorate your yard with garden stones, you’re going to need a supplier that you can count on. Braen Supply has become a premier provider of landscaping materials and landscape design, and can help you make your next project a success. Our materials are competitively priced and can either be picked up at our local New Jersey facility or delivered in bulk to most areas throughout NJ and parts of NY, CT, and PA.

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Mulch Near Me: Should I Get A Bulk Delivery Or Bags?

As homeowners and business owners across the country wind down from the warm summer months and begin prepping for fall festivities, many of them will realize that this is the perfect time to enhance the appearance and functionality of their landscape. Even if you’re not planning on making any big changes like installing new flower beds, redesigning the existing exterior of your home or business, or making other changes to the landscape, now is a great time to handle a little lawn maintenance to keep your landscape looking incredible.

Many people will be turning to the use of mulch because it is the most affordable, yet effective, way to improve your landscape’s soil and keep your vegetation flourishing throughout the year. Once you’ve finished the task at hand, your landscape will look more attractive, be better protected from pests, and gain both curb appeal and value. The question that many homeowners and business owners must ask themselves is whether they should purchase mulch in bulk or in bags. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of mulch, explain where you can find the material, whether bulk or bagged is better for you, and how to calculate the required amount.

Benefits of Bulk and Bagged Mulch

Before we get into the bulk mulch versus bagged mulch discussion, it’s important to understand the common benefits of mulch. Here are a few benefits that make mulch an effective landscape material:

  • Improve Soil Temperature — For plants to grow properly, it is imperative that you help the soil maintain a comfortable temperature. Mulch does a great job at preventing the sun from heating up the ground too much, which can hurt the vegetation.
  • Improve Soil Moisture Levels — In addition to a proper temperature, your soil must have the right amount of moisture for healthy growth. Mulch will help your soil retain moisture after every watering by acting as a barrier between the sun and the soil.
  • Prevents Weed Growth — As everyone knows, weeds are unsightly and will detract from the beauty of your landscape. Mulch is quite effective in deterring the growth and spread of weeds so that you won’t have to worry about them.
  • Pest Control — Pests such as insects and rodents will often invade your landscape and burrow near your vegetation or make a snack out of it. These critters don’t like the aroma of certain types of mulch, which makes it a great deterrent for these pests.
  • Better Appearance — While mulch won’t add to the beauty of your landscape like shrubs and flowers do, it definitely adds a bit of decorative flair. In fact, thanks to mulch’s muted colors, your flowers and other vegetation will often seem to stand out.

Where to Find Mulch Near You

When you begin a project and decide that mulch is needed, the first thing you’ll want to do is hunt down a reputable seller of the material. Mulch isn’t a difficult material to locate, as you can find it in many local stores that carry gardening products or even online. However, it’s advisable that you purchase all landscaping materials through a specialty supplier because of the professional element. You want to go through a supplier who has been in business for a while, because they will employ experts in the field who can answer any questions you may have about the materials to be used for a particular project, how to properly use the materials, and various landscaping design elements. A reputable dealer will be able to help you out before a project begins, while you’re in the middle of it, and after it has been completed. This is an indispensable element that you simply can’t get through retailers or online outlets.

Bulk Mulch vs. Bagged Mulch

Whether you choose to purchase your mulch in bulk or in bags primarily depends on the project you’re planning to undertake. The obvious point to make here is that large landscaping projects will need a larger supply of the material. In these situations, it would be a good idea to purchase your mulch in bulk, which will make it easier to deal with and more cost-effective. However, if you’re working on a small or medium-sized project, you’ll discover that bags are the perfect solution because they are easy and safe to utilize throughout the project. That being said, some seasoned homeowners or business owners who have completed projects in the past may choose bags for big jobs, too, because they can be ordered per pallet. If you’re in doubt for your particular project, never be afraid to ask a reputable supplier.

Calculating Your Mulch Needs

Before you decide between bulk and bagged mulch, you’ll want to figure out exactly how much mulch will be required for the project. For this part of the process, you’ll want to measure the areas where the mulch will be used, including the length and and width of each area, and then add up the measurements of each area. Regarding the depth, the general rule of thumb is three inches to receive the best results. What you ultimately need to figure out is how many cubic yards of mulch will be required. Once you have those numbers, you can either use an online calculator to figure out how much mulch is needed or consult a reputable supplier for assistance.

Mulch Near Me for Sale in New Jersey

Braen Supply has been a leading supplier of mulch and other landscaping materials for nearly 20 years and has helped many homeowners and business owners achieve their landscaping goals by not only providing the needed materials but by answering questions about a given project to ensure its success. Our experts know every product we sell backwards and forwards, and can lead you in the right direction. We offer competitive pricing for every product we sell and can deliver in bulk to locations in NJ, NY, CT, and PA. And if you live in the area, feel free to stop by our brick-and-mortar location in New Jersey and purchase landscaping materials there.

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Everything You Have To Do To Your Flower Beds Before Spreading Cedar Mulch

If you’re searching for a way to vastly improve the appearance of your residential or commercial property, adding a new flower bed with cedar mulch or completely redoing an existing one will definitely do the trick. This type of landscaping project will result in a warm, inviting atmosphere while improving the value of your property and its overall curb appeal. This makes it a project that every homeowner or business owner can get behind.

Before you undertake a cedar mulch project, however, it’s important that you fully understand what will be involved from beginning to end. that way, you won’t run into any bumps along the way or make a mistake that ends up costing you more money than it should. What we’ll be covering here today are the steps that you’ll need to follow in order to prepare your home or business for the installation of your future flower bed.

Step #1: Decide on Design Specifics

The first thing you want to do before you begin your flower bed project is probably rather obvious. You need to decide on exactly what you’d like your flower bed design to look like once all is said and done. Make a simple sketch indicating where on the property everything will be once the project is done so you’ll have a good idea of what you want the result to look like. If you’re not an artist, don’t worry. Even just a rudimentary rendition of its appearance is perfectly fine. But, feel free to enlist the assistance of someone who has already completed such a project for advice.

Step #2: Prepare for a Clean Slate

This step is more about preparing your mind than it is about preparing your property. You need to be open to the possibility of a complete overhaul of your existing landscape so that you can properly implement a new landscape involving flower beds. This could mean removing existing plants or flowers to make way for new ones, or that the entire area is going to be different once the project is finished. Basically, you want to think of this as your opportunity to create a clean slate from which to build upon.

Step #3: Yank Out the Weeds

Nearly any landscaping project you’re going to undertake will involve the need to yank weeds out of your yard. You’ll want to clear out every weed that you see, in addition to many that you may not see. Larger weeds can be pulled out by hand by basically gripping the base firmly and pulling upwards. You also need to get rid of all of the roots, so you should definitely pick up a garden trowel if you don’t already have one and use that to dig up anything that you can’t pull out by hand. And, finally, be sure to remove any leaves from the area, as they will often promote further weed growth.

Step #4: Remove Existing Plants

Once all the weeds have been removed, it’s time to turn your attention to the existing plants in the area of your property where the flower bed will be placed or within your existing flower bed. You have two choices here. The first choice is to remove all of the existing plants and basically start over with brand new ones. The second choice is to dig up any plants that you want to remain in the area, keep those potted elsewhere until after the project is almost finished, and then replant them. After everything has been removed, the last part of this step is to spread out some weed killer atop the soil to take care of anything that’s left over.

Step #5: Prepare the Ground

Now that everything that you want to have removed from your yard up until this point is gone, it’s time to turn to the preparation of the ground for your new plantings. To fully prepare the ground for your new flower bed, you’ll need to remove all rocks and gravel from the area. If you have a lot of rocks on your property, you’ll want to consider the use of a rototiller to take care of them. From there, rake through the soil of the entire area in order to prepare your property for composting.

Step #6: Add a Layer of Compost

As most everyone knows, composting is an essential part of growing and maintaining a successful, healthy in flower bed. Whether you choose to use compost, leaf mold, peat, or manure for your composting needs, the basic technique is the same. First, cover the area for your new flower bed with 2-3 inches of your composting material. Then, use a shovel to thoroughly turn the compost into the soil. This is one of the easiest steps to follow, but also one of the most important in order to have a successful flower bed.

Step #7: Remove Yard Waste

Whenever you take on any kind of landscaping project, you’re going to make a bit of a mess during the preparation phase. So, once you’ve completed the steps above, the last task on your list will be to clean up any yard waste that resulted from the preparation. This includes any bits of grass, compost that got sprinkled elsewhere, leaves that have settled in the area since you started the project, and any excess soil that is laying around.

Purchasing Cedar Mulch for your Flower Bed in NJ

Braen Supply has been serving NJ and the surrounding area with expertise and excellence for nearly 20 years. We have proven ourselves as the best supplier of landscaping materials in the area, which means you can count on us to come through for you every single time, regardless of the project. Either come in and speak with our staff or call them on the phone and they’ll provide you with all the information you need. We offer competitive prices and our materials can either be picked up at our New Jersey location or delivered in bulk throughout parts of NJ, NY, CT, and PA.


5 Quick Tips About Using Decorative Gravel In Your Flower Beds

Dedicating part of your residential or commercial landscape to flower beds is a wonderful way to give the area some real pizzazz. Even if people don’t always seem to notice, flowers have a tendency to work on visitors in a subconscious way. Thanks to their attractive appearance and pleasant scent, they make people feel happy and relaxed. Simply put, flower beds are a fantastic compliment to any property.

While it is true that the flowers you choose are extremely important, what often makes a flower bed really stand out is the choice of material that you use inside the bed. One great choice that many homeowners and business owners have been opting for in recent years is the use of decorative gravel. To help you get the most out of this choice, we have compiled a few simple tips to get you started:

Understand the Benefits of Decorative Gravel

The first thing you should look at when deciding if decorative gravel is the right choice to make for your flower bed is the benefits. Here are a few:

  • Attractive Appearance — First and foremost, the benefit you’ll immediately notice with decorative gravel is its beautiful appearance. With the different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures at your disposal, your flower beds will compliment any landscape.
  • Improved Drainage — Many people don’t seem to realize that decorative gravel provides better drainage for their plants and flowers. After it rains, the gravel will allow the water to drain at the perfect speed so as to avoid the plants drying out or retaining too much moisture, thereby providing perfect growing conditions.
  • Temperature Control — When the sun is out and beating down on your flowers, they are susceptible to drying out more quickly. Decorative gravel acts as a barrier between the sun’s rays and the soil around the flowers. Adversely, the gravel also stops too much water from evaporating.
  • Longevity — While mulching solutions decay over time and must be replaced periodically, decorative gravel will basically last forever. Plus, since there’s a lack of decay, pests like rodents and insects are less likely to become a problem.

Choose the Right Type for Your Flower Bed

Now that you understand the benefits of decorative gravel, it’s time to focus on choosing the right type for your flower bed. Here are four of the most common options:

  • Pea Gravel — Due to their size, shape, and smooth appearance, pea gravel has always been a popular choice amongst homeowners and business owners. The stones vary in color, which means you’ll have plenty of types to choose from.
  • Jersey Shore Gravel — This yellow gravel has been given the moniker of “Jersey Shore” gravel due to its popularity in the area. It is so prevalent that you might not even notice just how much it’s used. Look around, though, and you’ll see that it’s everywhere, which makes it a wonderful choice for flower beds.
  • Mexican Beach Pebbles — These small stones have been rounded by flowing waters over time and include a variety of natural, attractive tints. Their appearance has made them extremely popular for both residential and commercial applications.
  • River Rock — If you’re looking for a type of stone/gravel that is both smooth in appearance and features several different colors to choose from, river rock might be just what the landscaper ordered. The best part is that river rock isn’t expensive, which makes it a great solution for flower beds and other landscaping projects.

Take Your Time with Making a Decision

Even though a flower bed may seem like a small project when compared to full-on landscaping jobs, it isn’t something you want to rush or take for granted. With the right type of flowers and a complimentary decorative gravel to go along with them, you can greatly improve the appearance and functionality of your property. The basic idea here is to avoid rushing into a decision and then regretting it afterward. Do your research and don’t be afraid to get help from others (which we’ll cover below). This will help ensure that the result is a beautiful set of flower beds that you can be proud of.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Friends for Advice

There’s a good chance that some of your friends have installed flower beds at their homes. The same could be true for neighbors or fellow business owners near you. The point is that asking for advice never hurts, and they may be able to give you some insight into what constitutes an attractive, effective flower bed. This is especially true if they have experience in landscaping that far exceeds your own. Reach out to anyone close that you trust and the results might be even better than expected.

Consult with Experts for Design Options, If Necessary

If you’ve exhausted the advice of all your friends and neighbors, or simply don’t have anyone close to you that have used flower beds and decorative gravel in the past, then you should feel free to consult with experts on the matter. There’s probably no reason to pay for landscapers for a consult, of course, which means that your gravel supplier should be asked. A good supplier will have the knowledge and expertise required to give you all of the information you need or tell you where to find the answers to your questions.

Buying Decorative Gravel in NJ

The first step to using decorative gravel in your flower bed is to find a reputable supplier of the material. Braen Supply has proven itself as the number one supplier for all of New Jersey’s landscaping needs for both residential and commercial use. Our team of skilled professionals will help you select the right material for an upcoming job, instruct you in its usage, and answer any questions you may have. We are available to assist you before, during, and after any given project. Our decorative gravel is competitively priced and can be picked up at your convenience or delivered in bulk throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC, and PA.

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5 Decorative Gravels That Will Spruce Up Your Landscaping

Landscaping projects are always awesome and exciting, and one reason for this is that they come with a ton of available choices. This means that every homeowner or business owner who is attempting to beautify their property and improve its curb appeal must dive into the multiple types of design and style options available before any kind of construction or installation can be done. A big part of this pre-planning phase includes choosing the type of material (or materials) that will be used in the project.

Decorative gravel has been a popular choice for improving the appearance of a residential or commercial property, and have proven to be a fantastic replacement or alternative to mulching options. A big reason for this is that there are several types to choose from, each with their own individual properties, but which also typically serve the same basic functions. Each of these types of gravel will look great, improve drainage and temperature control, help deter pests due to a lack of decay, and basically last forever.

Of course, choosing the one that’s perfect for your specific landscaping project may be a little tricky since all of them make fantastic choices. Any of them will work, but it comes down to personal preference more than anything. To help you out a bit by giving you a head start on what each of these types of decorative gravel is all about, let’s dive into the five primary choices, and then you can decide from there.

Decorative Gravel Type #1: Pea Gravel 

Pea gravel is, without a doubt, the most popular type of decorative gravel available. These small, round stones feature a “pea-like” shape and texture, with a smooth surface and attractive appearance that has proven to make them extremely appealing for both residential and commercial applications. You’ll find them in various colors, such as black, white, gray, brown, tan, green, and red. Their appearance makes them very versatile in the use of landscaping projects and, due to their commonality, they are an affordable option that will fit any budget. Many homeowners and business owners will also use them to complement other types of stone in order to add a better aesthetic to an already beautiful landscape.

Decorative Gravel Type #2: Mexican Beach Pebbles

As you might have guessed from the name, these decorative stones are found along the sandy shores of Mexico’s coast. They are typically blue or gray, but will turn deep black or onyx when they are exposed to water. This gives them a unique look amongst other decorative stones, especially when it’s raining or you’re watering the area. Thanks to being exposed to the Pacific Ocean’s crashing waves over a long period of time, Mexican beach pebbles have a smooth, round appearance. Depending on the type of project you’re undertaking, you may want to choose smaller or larger variations of these stones. For instance, the smaller types are better for flower beds and garden planters, whereas the larger types are great for lawns, walkways and similar projects.

Decorative Gravel Type #3: White Marble Chips

This type of decorative gravel is a bit more subdued than other choices, which makes these chips perfect if you’re not going for a flashy or overly colorful appearance. These stones are usually white with one or more gray streaks. Plus, they offer a shimmering surface that almost looks like it’s covered with specks of glitter. While possibly not as fancy as other choices, white marble chips will look great in a variety of projects.

Decorative Gravel Type #4: Yellow “Jersey Shore” Gravel

Affectionately known as the “Jersey Shore” gravel, this decorative gravel is commonplace throughout the state of New Jersey. The name derives from the fact that the yellow, golden, brown, and tan appearance of these stones gives a sense of spending time at the beach, especially the Jersey Shore. These colors work great with all types of plants, regardless of style or shade. Plus, they are very affordable, which makes them an even better choice for a variety of landscaping projects.

Decorative Gravel Type #5: River Rock

Think of river rock as a kind of hybrid of pea gravel and Mexican beach pebbles. Basically, this type of decorative gravel gives you the color options of pea gravel and the water-washed smoothness and visual effect of Mexican beach pebbles. These rocks add character to practically any landscaping project and, like a couple of other options on this list, are inexpensive. This means you could basically cover your entire landscape in river rock and it wouldn’t set you back too much.

Purchasing Decorative Gravel in NJ

Once you have decided that decorative gravel would be perfect for your next landscaping project, you’re going to need a reputable supplier that can help you get started by supplying you with the material. Braen Supply has spent years developing a wide knowledge of landscaping needs and can provide you with a variety of materials based around each project. Our team of experts can assist you before, during, and after your project, whether you’re still trying to decide on which material to use or would like advice on how to get the most out of the design. You are welcome to stop by our physical location or order in bulk and have the material delivered to many areas throughout parts of NJ, NY, and PA.

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Cedar Mulch vs. Decorative Gravel: What Is Best For My Flower Beds?

If you’ve been looking for a way to spruce up your residential or commercial property, flowers will certainly hit the spot. No matter which types of flowers you choose to decorate the area, the colors, shapes, and aromas will stand out amongst the rest of the vegetation and improve your curb appeal. This is why so many homeowners and business owners install flower beds on their property, often as a compliment to the landscaping that already exists.

Two great options for filling in your flower beds include cedar mulch and decorative gravel. While the basic functionality of each choice remains the same, there are a few differences between them that are important to point out. Today, we’re going to take a look at a few of the benefits and types of both cedar mulch and decorative gravel, and then you can decide which is more appealing for your specific needs and/or personal preference.

Benefits of Cedar Mulch

First, let’s take a look at the primary benefits of cedar mulch:

  • Appearance — The light hues available with cedar mulch allow for a soft, neutral color palette that is easy to incorporate into any style of landscape.
  • Pleasant Aroma — The pleasant, soothing aroma will encapsulate your home or business, providing you and your visitors with a warm, welcoming feeling.
  • Temperature Control — The light hues that are available also helps maintain proper temperatures around your flowers by absorbing just the right amount of sunlight.
  • Moisture Control — Cedar mulch will prevent moisture from evaporating due to the sun’s rays, helping to maintain adequate moisture and promote healthy growth.
  • Valuable Nutrients — The decomposition that mulch goes through will enrich the soil with organic matter, adding valuable nutrients to your flowers.

Benefits of Decorative Gravel

Now, let’s take a look at the primary benefits of decorative gravel:

  • Appearance — Decorative gravel comes in multiple shapes, sizes, and colors, giving you more than enough options to beautify the flower beds on your property to your liking.
  • Better Drainage — Proper health of your flowers can occur more easily due to decorative gravel’s ability to drain properly following a rain, but not so much that they dry out.
  • Temperature Control — With its ability to regulate soil temperatures, decorative gravel will ensure that the ground doesn’t overheat, which could cause the flowers to dry out.
  • Long-Lasting — Unlike cedar mulch, decorative gravel doesn’t degrade or decay over time, which means that you won’t need to switch it out periodically.
  • Pest Control — Decay attracts rodents and insects, but since decorative gravel doesn’t decay over time, you don’t have to worry about your flower bed becoming a beacon for pests.

Types of Cedar Mulch

The choice between the types of cedar mulch available on the market comes down to three different colors:

  • Red Cedar Mulch — This is the flashiest of the cedar mulch that’s available, so if you’re looking for something that will stand out amongst colorful flowers, this could very well be the one for you.
  • Brown Cedar Mulch — Due to its more “earthy” appearance, this specific cedar mulch is often popular amongst those who want their flower bed to look as natural as possible.
  • Black Cedar Mulch — Since almost everything looks great in black, this color can help your flower bed stand out thanks to a stark contrast between the mulch and your brightly colored flowers.

Types of Decorative Gravel

Decorative gravel is available in a few different types, with these being the most common:

  • Pea Gravel — This is, hands down, the most popular choice of decorative gravel due to its small, round shape, texturing, smooth appearance, and multiple colors.
  • Mexican Beach Pebbles — These stones hail from the Mexican coast, have been exposed to years of crashing waves, come in a variety of sizes, and turn deep black/onyx when exposed to water.
  • Yellow Gravel — Also known as “Jersey Shore” gravel, these yellow, tan, and golden stones have become commonplace throughout the state of New Jersey.
  • White Marble Chips — These small stones are known not only for the gray streaks found against their typically white primary color, but the fact that the surface almost looks like it’s covered by glitter.
  • River Rock — Often seen as a cross between Mexican beach pebbles and pea gravel, river rock offers the smoothness of the former and the color variety of the latter.

Best Way to Choose Between Them

To be honest, choosing between cedar mulch and decorative gravel for your flower beds will often come down to personal preference. Perhaps you believe that mulch has an aesthetic that is more to your liking, or maybe you prefer decorative gravel because it will last much longer. Regardless of which one you choose, the effect that a flower bed will have on your residential or commercial property will be stupendous and really add to your curb appeal. And guess what? There’s really no wrong choice! But, if you’re having difficulty making a decision and want some friendly, knowledgeable advice, we would suggest asking your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or even a professional in the industry.

Buying Mulch and Decorative Gravel in New Jersey

Whether you choose to use mulch or decorative gravel in your flower beds, you’ll need to seek out a reputable supplier. Braen Supply has been serving New Jersey and surrounding states for many years, and has become the #1 supplier of landscaping stones, gravel, and other materials thanks to our high-level of quality and excellence that we bring to everything we do. Our experts can help you make decisions about upcoming projects, give you advice on how to improve an existing landscaping effort, or simply answer any questions you have about a certain material that you’ve been considering for your residential or commercial property. Braen Supply can deliver materials in bulk to many areas throughout parts of NJ, NY, and PA, or you can stop by our physical location in New Jersey.


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8 Ways To Introduce Decorative Gravel Into Your Yard

Every landscaping project, whether it’s for a residential or commercial property, is an exciting opportunity to revamp the area. Not only do these projects improve the appearance and curb appeal, but they also provide better functionality. The trick, of course, is deciding on a specific design of the area and the type of material that you would like to use. And, oh boy – there are so many choices available!

Many homeowners and business owners choose decorative gravel for their landscaping needs which is why it has become one of the most popular materials for a wide variety of projects. If you have an impending project coming up in the future, decorative gravel should definitely be on your list of possible materials. Today, we’re going to take a look at a few different project options, followed an 8-step process to introduce decorative gravel into your yard.

Paths and Walkways

Decorative gravel can be used in two different ways for paths and walkways. First, they can be used to establish an entire path for guests and/or customers to follow when they visit. Second, you can place them along an existing walkway to highlight the path and improve its appearance. If you choose to use decorative gravel to create an entire walkway, we would suggest the use of smaller stones, as they’re more comfortable to walk on.


It has become quite popular over the past several years to use decorative gravel in a home’s driveway. Since your driveway is such a prevalent fixture, doing so will really add to the attractive quality of your overall landscape. They are also very functional, affordable, and low-maintenance. This project will require a large amount of gravel in most instances, so be sure to consult with a supplier, if needed.

Play Areas

Sand is out… and decorative gravel is in! That is the basic consensus of many homeowners around the country. Sand is messy and is often tracked into the home, gets in kids’ hair, and acts as a poor sanitary option. None of this is a problem with decorative gravel, which makes it a fantastic alternative for your children’s play area. And, as usual, it looks so much better, too.

Flower Beds

There’s no better compliment to a grouping of beautiful flowers than decorative gravel. The colorful nature of gravel, in addition to its temperature and moisture control capabilities, makes this a perfect choice for your flower beds. There is a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to choose from, which means that you can design your flower bed any way you’d like.

Water Features

Decorative gravel is an extremely popular fixture with fountains, streams, waterfalls, and other water-based structures within your landscape. The attractive look of gravel will both enhance a water feature’s overall appearance while also drawing a person’s attention toward the feature in the first place. Mexican beach pebbles are especially popular with this specific option because they change to a black or onyx color when exposed to water.

Lawn Replacement

Regular upkeep of your lawn can be very time-consuming and exhausting for many homeowners and business owners. For those who pay others for upkeep, it can become quite expensive. Replacing the lawn with decorative gravel will allow you to avoid the hassle of cutting the grass, watering the lawn, etc. Plus, this will improve your curb appeal because it will look so much better than before.

Mulch Replacement

Millions of homeowners and business owners have been using mulch in their yard for many years, but decorative gravel provides an excellent alternative. In addition to its moisture and temperature control capabilities, gravel won’t decay or deteriorate like mulch does, which means you won’t have to replace it out.

Edge of Above Ground Pool 

If you have a pool at your home that’s above ground, you can use decorative gravel around its edge. This creates a gorgeous lining that will immediately improve the pool’s overall appearance and provide a better walkway around the edge, if needed. Plus, it won’t cost you much at all.

How to Prepare Your Yard for Decorative Gravel

Before you begin your next landscaping project, it’s important that you properly prepare the area for the installation of decorative gravel. There are a few variances involved depending on the specific type of project (such as a small flower bed), but here is a quick 8-step process you can use to introduce decorative gravel into your yard:

  1. Measure the area to be covered and calculate how much you will need for the project.
  2. Remove all vegetation from the space where you’ll be spreading the decorative gravel, including regular grass, plants, and weeds.
  3. Don’t forget to also remove plants that you want to keep, and then set them aside to later be re-introduced to the area.
  4. Improve the top layer of soil by digging over the ground once or twice.
  5. Smooth out the surface to remove any lumps or bumps by raking over the area.
  6. You may want to add coarse sand to the area to prevent drainage, but keep in mind that decorative gravel serves this function as well.
  7. Separate areas to be left untouched by digging small borders (typically four inches wide and two inches deep).
  8. Lay landscape fabric and/or a weed membrane over the area, and then secure it in place with staples or large rocks/stones.

Where to Find Decorative Gravel in NJ

Decorative gravel is a fantastic way to make your next project really stand out. Once you’ve decided that this is the material for you, finding a supplier is the next step. The skilled and knowledgeable experts at Braen Supply can help make your next project a success by providing you with information about which materials would work best, how to use those materials, and answer any other questions you may have. All of our landscaping materials are competitively priced and can either be picked up at our New Jersey location or shipped directly in bulk to many areas throughout parts of NJ, NY, CT, and PA.

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How to Incorporate Techo-Bloc Antika into Your Landscape Design

In recent years, the cobblestone look has taken NJ and the northeast by storm. If you’ve been longing to bring this aesthetic to your home, Techo-Bloc Antika pavers could be right for you. These unique and classically elegant pavers are crafted from concrete to look exactly like natural stone pavers. Each individual paver is given a smooth and unique cut that makes for easy installation and visual appeal. What’s more, these versatile pavers can be used in a variety of ways to enhance your existing landscaping style and features, and to give your property a stunning makeover. Need some inspiration? Read on for a few fantastic ideas for incorporating Techo-Bloc Antika into your own landscape design.

  • Patios – One of the most popular ways to bring the look of Antika pavers to the home is through the construction of a charming patio. Depending on the color that you choose to use for your home design, you could create an enchanting English garden where you can sip tea among the roses, you could establish a stylish and contemporary space for impressing your guests, or you could even create a sense of relaxing in your own desert oasis on a warm summer day.
  • Paths and Walkways – Another common way to incorporate Techo-Bloc Antika into your landscape is to lay down a path or walkway. The unique design of the pavers makes it simple for you to establish walkways of all lengths, widths, and shapes. Whether you prefer a long and winding path that connects your patio to your swimming pool, or would like to greet guests to your front door with a rectangular walking path, you’ll be able to create the look you crave with these wonderful pavers.
  • Texturing – If you’re a homeowner who loves to play with texture, we encourage you to think outside of the box and introduce Antika pavers to your landscape design. Instead of filling the spaces between the pavers with mortar, you could allow lush, green grass to sprout up and add visual intrigue to your property. This is a great way to accent gardens or to add a touch of whimsy to walking paths.
  • Poolside – Techo-Bloc Antika pavers of all colors look spectacular when reflected in the waters of a swimming pool. This is just one of the many reasons why many NJ homeowners choose to create pool decks with Antika pavers, or even to surround hot tubs. The pavers are richly textured which offers slip resistance, and the concrete will remain cool to the touch on a hot day.
  • Bordering – Antika pavers are able to complement a number of other Techo-Bloc pavers and slabs, which make them perfect for creating a border or edging materials. This creates unique designs and patterns around outdoor living spaces and will add to the beauty and value of your landscape design.

Adding Techo-Bloc Antika Pavers to Your NJ Landscape

Do you believe that Techo-Bloc Antika pavers would add something special to your property? If so, the team at Braen Supply is ready to help you realize your dreams. We’re an authorized Techo-Bloc dealer and can connect you with Antika pavers in all colors at the lowest and most competitive prices in the area. We are also able to provide you with tips on the design, installation, and maintenance. Feel free to visit our local showroom anytime in order to ask questions about our products and draw inspiration for your project. Techo-Bloc Antika pavers can be picked up or bulk delivered throughout parts of NJ, NY, NYC, and limited parts of PA and CT.